Growing Frangipanis

growing frangipanisFrangipanis will grow well in any soil type but prefer a well drained soil. They will grow in all climates except the severe frost prone temperate climates, however, they prefer and grow best in a hot dry climate. They are very drought and fire hardy.

Growing Position

Being a tropical plant, the frangipani prefers to grow in full sun and well-drained soil. They will tolerate part shade, but those grown in a warm to hot position where they get at least 6 hours of sun a day will grow faster and flower far better than those grown in part shade.  They can cope with sea breezes but prefer protection from high winds. Frangipanis will tolerate light frosts, but in cooler climates give them the warmest, sunniest spots in the garden or move them to a warm protected area in late autumn.  A hot house is ideal, but placing your frangipani on a concrete path against a brick wall where it will get radiated heat (and be protected from frost and wind) will also work. 

Frangipanis are also perfectly adaptable to growing in containers. Because they respond well to pruning, they're easy to keep under control. Choose a large container with a diameter of at least 40cm and plenty of volume. If over time the tree becomes pot-bound, lift it out and prune back the roots before re-potting into fresh potting mix.

Feed them occasionally with a soluble fertiliser and remember that potted plants need more frequent watering than those in the ground. Water moderately in summer, especially when the trees are young and becoming 
established. Old established trees can 
survive quite happily on natural rainfall. During winter, when the trees are bare, leave the watering to nature. Frangipani will not tolerate its root system being over wet and cold at the same time, and rot may develop!


Frangipani respond best to organic fertilizers which are high in nitrogen, potassium (or potash) and phosphorous.

Nitrogen is good for green growth, phosphorous for large flowers and healthy roots, and potassium or potash for good plant cell structure and strength, as well as improving disease resistance.  During the growing season, an application of liquid fish fertiliser and seaweed solution is beneficial. 

Do not fertilise during dormancy.

Mulching the soil around the tree will keep the roots cool in summer and warm in winter. It also helps to retain moisture and reduce weeds however mulch should be kept away from the trunk to avoid rot.


Frangipanis respond very well to pruning. Different pruning approaches can be used to create a compact, densely branched tree or a standard with long trunk and no lower branches. However, be aware that frangipani flowers appear only at the end of branches, and these must be two years old before they bloom. So, if you plan to prune your frangipani heavily, consider doing half one year, and then half the next year to ensure a continous display of flowers.

To create a densely branched specimen prune branches to one half or one third of their natural length. These pruned branches will sprout multiple branches near the pruned ends.

To prune to produce a standard, simply prune branches right back to the main trunk so that no further branching can occur.

Pruning is best done during late winter or early spring

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